Monday 20 June 2016

Some best and worst Loyalty Programs

Source: (Best and worst, 2014)

In this post we are going to discuss about two best and worst loyalty programs of some big organisations. Here are the two best loyalty program:

Starbucks: Reward Program

  Source: (, n.d.)
This is one of the best programme in the market and it’s due to one big reason which is "free stuff". The basic idea behind the program is to “reward” a consumer for frequent visits. It included a free dink on the birthday and two Hours of free Wi-Fi per day, which went on to free refills and many more things.

Best buy: Reward zone
Source: (, 2016)
Nearly two years ago, best buy was charging an annual fee for its free loyalty program which was known as ”reward zone”. This was one of the best program for big purchases like buying electronic products. The reward system got 1 point for each dollar they spent.  When the points earned reached a certain limit, they client got free shipping of the goods, extended return policy and many more perks. 

Now it is time for some of the loyalty programs which didn't live up to its expectations or were suspected and were put under scrutiny. Here are two such loyalty programs

Loyalty card of supermarkets

Source: (, n.d.)
This may come up as a surprise to most of the readers but it is true. A research was conducted by Consumers against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering (CASPIAN). In the research it was found that, supermarkets tend to increase the price of goods on loyalty cards by 28% to 71%.
Subway: The Sub club
Source: (, n.d.)
Subway had one of the best reward programme named “The sub club”. In this reward programme a customer got a free sub once his card was filled with the stamps. Soon, with the time it was found out that it was very easy to counterfeit the stamps. Subway was also exposed as it couldn’t keep track record of its programme and soon this programme was withdrawn from the market.

I hope you all enjoyed reading the post. Share and comment down for more questions and to give feedbacks

Source: (Notte, 2010)


(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from
(2016, February). Retrieved from
Best and worst. (2014, 03 29). Retrieved from
Notte, J. (2010, June 25). Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. I read your blog it's very nice and very helpful, I learn something new every time from this website, Thanks for sharing this information with us. I am also a blogger i guide people on App and Software Development. You can visit my blog here Loyalty Program Software
